We invite you to present your company in Read&Fly Magazine. We also offer cooperation in developing and preparing promotional material. We provide professional graphic, editorial and photographic services.
Price list for advertising space on the readandfly.pl portal:
Advertising banner 600×100 px or 1200×180 px on the first page – 350 EUR/month
PROMOTION! – when buying space for 3 months, 1 month for free
Sponsored article – 150 EUR (at least 3 days on the first page + minimum 1 year on the portal – possibility of placing active links)
PROMOTION! – when buying 3 articles, 1 advertorial for free
Price list of advertising space in Read&Fly Magazine:
Full page 1/1 – 600 EUR
1/2 page – PLN 420 EUR
1/3 page – 280 EUR
1/4 page – 240 EUR
2nd cover – 950 EUR
3rd cover – 820 EUR
4th cover – 1200 EUR
Orders and inquiries: info@readandfly.pl

About Read&Fly Magazine

The Read&Fly online portal has been published since 2014. It is complemented by a travel and lifestyle magazine, Read&Fly Magazine. It is the largest medium dealing with tourism, which is addressed to Poles both in Poland and abroad, and especially to the over one million Polish diaspora in Great Britain. The home port of Read&Fly is Liverpool – an English city with a long and beautiful tradition of travel. And tradition obliges! That is why we cooperate with experienced journalists to reach the largest possible number of readers and inspire them to travel.
We also publish a blog about family travel, Keep Calm and Travel, which has been operating continuously since 2013 and is an important source of knowledge and inspiration for readers planning a vacation or family holiday. We can implement a campaign using only one or all available media: portal, magazine and blog, social media or event marketing.